Innovative Professionals Designing Enduring Facilities

In a constantly changing world, Lizardos continues a tradition of innovative design.

Lizardos empowers its engineers to think outside the box and push the envelope to design resilient and sustainable facilities that will endure long into the future. These designs include net-zero buildings, electrified heating and cooling campuses – all intended to eliminate carbon emissions and mitigate climate change effects.

Unique Designs Built to Your Specifications

Our core principles are to lead in technological advances and remain at the forefront of the industry.

Innovative design is our tradition. Our engineers do not produce cookie-cutter designs.  Every client is treated individually with system designs unique to their requirements.

Northwell Health – South Shore University Hospital


Our Responsive Team Knows What’s At Stake

We listen to our clients’ needs and understand their budget limitations and urgency for construction.  Our design is responsive to their requirements and utilizes the best available technology.
